The current Census (2011) data has revealed a declining trend in Child Sex Ratio (CSR) between 0-6 years with an all time low of 919. India has recorded considerable economic growth in the last decades. However, this could not be translated into improved gender indicators especially related to Sex Ratio and CSR. The issue of declining CSR is a major indicator of women disempowerment as it begins before birth, manifests in gender biased sex selection & elimination and continues in various forms of discrimination towards girl child after birth in fulfilling her health, nutrition and educational needs. The practice of sex selective elimination of the female foetus due to easy availability and affordability of medical diagnostic tools has been a critical influencer of the skewed sex ratio. Further, there is little doubt that strong socio-cultural and religious biases, preferences for sons in almost all Indian communities has also shaped societal attitudes towards girls. 

The sharp decline as pointed by Census 2011 data is a call for urgent action, as it highlights that the girl child is increasingly being excluded from life itself. Coordinated & convergent efforts are needed to ensure survival, protection and education of the girl child. The Government has announced Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (BBBP) Scheme to address the issue of decline in CSR through a mass campaign across the country, and focussed intervention & Multi-Sectoral Action in 100 gender critical districts.
Objectives of Schemes:
  • Prevent gender biased sex selective elimination 
  • Ensure survival & protection of the girl child
  • Ensure education of the girl child
Strategy :
a) Implement a sustained Social Mobilization and Communication Campaign to create equal value for the girl child & promote her education. 

b) Place the issue of decline in CSR/SRB in public discourse, improvement of which would be a indicator for good governance. 

c) Focus on Gender Critical Districts and Cities low on CSR for intensive & integrated action. 

d) Mobilize & Train Panchayati Raj Institutions/Urban local bodies/ Grassroot workers as catalysts for social change, in partnership with local community/women’s/youth groups. 

e) Ensure service delivery structures/schemes & programmes are sufficiently responsive to issues of gender and children’s rights. 

f) Enable Inter-sectroal and inter-institutional convergence at District/Block/Grassroot levels.
This campaign aimed at ensuring girls are born, nurtured and educated without discrimination to become empowered citizens of this country with equal rights. The Campaign  interlink National, State and District level interventions with community level action in 100 districts, bringing together different stakeholders for accelerated impact.

The 100 districts have been identified on the basis of low Child Sex Ratio as per Census 2011 covering all States/UTs as a pilot with at least one district in each state. The three criteria for selection of districts namely are i) districts below the national average (87 districts/23 states); ii) districts above national average but shown declining trend (8 districts/8 states) and districts above national average and shown increasing trend (5 districts/5 states- selected so that these CSR levels can be maintained and other districts can emulate and learn from their experiences).

Administrative Measures :
1. District collector will head a district taskforce, will network with schools-colleges, NGOs, companies aiming to spend CSR-funds, media, youth and so on.

2. Same way SDM will head block-task-force.

3. One nodal officer in each department for monitoring the district plans.
Scheme focus on  Advocacy, Community mobilization & Awareness Generation
I. Community Mobilization and Outreach through interactive initiatives like NaarikiChaupal1 , BetiJanmotsav, Mann kiBaat, etc. may be initiated to spread the message of BetiBachaoBetiPadhao. 

II. Dedicate a special day every month for celebration of BetiBachao, BetiPadhao.

III. National Girl Child Day may be celebrated on 24th January every year by all stakeholders including local opinion makers, PRI Members, MLAs, MPs etc. at District levels, led by the District Administrations of the 100 gender critical districts. 

IV. International Women’s Day may be celebratedin order to send out a strong message highlighting the importance of gender equality and need of empowering women and girls. Further, celebration of this Day can be used to highlight the contribution of empowered mothers to the BBBP Scheme.

V. Pledge for protection, safety, value and education of the girl child may be adopted by Govt. of India and the same may be taken on the occasion of National Girl Child Day by DC/DM along with other government functionaries. The Pledge shall be in Hindi and English and States/UTs may get the translation of the same done in regional languages for dissemination in the Districts.

VI. Encouraging reversal of son centric rituals and customs may be done through the following:
o Advocacy efforts and community mobilization initiatives like celebrating Lohri for the birth of a daughter, siblings tying rakhisto each other on RakshaBandhan, encouraging forgotten age old, progressive concepts like ardhangini (an equal life partner) etc. o Social customs which promote men and boys over women and girls may be targeted and reversed gradually in order to foster gender equality as a long term goal and bring about social and behavioural change with regard to son preference and sex selection

VII.  Inclusion of Local Religious/Spiritual Leaders in advocacy and community mobilization initiatives may be done in order to enhance the acceptance of such efforts by the community. 

VIII. Positive Reinforcements of Daughters need be done as providers of old age security. It needs to be highlighted that daughters look after parents in their old age as much as sons do and sometimes even more2 . 

IX. Promotion of Simple Weddings may be done aggressivelyto protect parents from financial burden of dowry and ostentatious marriage ceremonies 

X. Promotion of Equal Property Rights for daughters& sons may be done in the community through community mobilization initiatives 

XI. Prevention of Early/Child Marriage may be done aggressively in order to highlight the importance of allowing girls to complete their school education and preferably opt for higher education/career/skill building/vocational education etc. Special efforts need to made for prevention of the same on on AkshayaTritiya, organized on a massive scale in North India

XII.  Encouraging Effective Use of Social Media: A variety of social media platforms may be used for pushing positive messages out.

XIII. Schemes talks about reward:
o If a Village uses “innovative” methods to improve sex-ratio, it’ll be given Rs.1 crore.
o District collectors/DM, campaign ambassadors, grassroot workers will also be given suitable reward.
o School Management Committees will be rewarded if 100% girl children enrolled, and pass in each class.
The core strategies of BBBP include evolving a sustained social mobilization and communication campaign to change societal norms, to create equal value for the girl child, positioning improvement in the CSR as a lead development indicator for good governance, Focusing on very low CSR or gender critical districts and cities for accelerated impact.

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