There are various phases of Indian Civilization. Indian Civilization is considered to be one of the first civilizations of the world.

Major Language : Sanskrit

Major Population: Aryans (approx 50,00,000+)

The Himalayas which were considered young among the many mountain ranges, grew every year and was the lifeline of Indian Civilization.

SAPT-SINDHU (7 Rivers)

Indian Civilization flourished in:

  • The present states of Punjab in pakistan and India due to the abundance of perennial rivers of which the most important river was Sindhu (presently called Indus from which 'India' derives its name)
  • Seven major Indian rivers as seen in the north-western part of India known as the Sapt-Sindhu (7 rivers) including:
  1. Jhelum ( Sanskrit name: Vitasta)  for more info on Jhelum river click here.
  2. Chenab (Sanskrit name: Asikni) for more info on Chenab river click here.
  3. Sarasvati (later dried up and recently no longer exists) for more info on Sarasvati river click here. (I shall later dedicate a whole chapter to this river)
  4. Ravi ( Sanskrit name: Iravati or Airavati) for more info on Ravi river click here.
  5. Sutlej (Sanskrit nameShatadru or Suáš­udri) for more info on Sutlej river click here.
  6. Beas (Sanskrit name: Vyas for more info on Beas river click here.
  7. Indus (Sanskrit name: Sindhufor more info on Indus river click here.

The part where I want to focus is the steady rise and prosperity of the Sapt Sindhu civilization more commonly known as Indus Valley Civilization; and the various archaeological finds related to this civilization.


     This picture shows the two kingdoms of Greek-Iran during the period 4th century BC to 2nd century AD

  • Aryans or Arians as a matter of act were believed to be the original citizens of Iran. Archaic Iran was known as Persia and was considered to cover present day Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Georgia, Balkan nations and many middle eastern nations.
  • The kingdom of Parthia in the above picture defines the Iranian influence which had major Zoroasterians and worshipped the Sun, which could also be an Egyptian influence as suggested in many archaeological finds.
  • Whereas the Scythians were inhabited by nomadic Iranian tribes before being captured by the Greeks thereby naming it Scythia.
  • Thus, plainly put, History suggests that Scythians and Parthians had a major population of Ariyas.
  • Aryans in India spoke Sanskrit whereas Scythians spoke Greek and Formerly Latin both of which have close ties with the Sanskrit language.

This picture of the 500 BCE era shows the Iranian supremacy in middle east and Europe
  • 'Arya' in Sanskrit means a noble person whereas in Iranian scriptures Arian meant 'venerable'. Both of them coincide in their understanding of Aryans was an honourable man.   


  • Studies suggest that Indo-Aryans migrated to the Indian subcontinent as early as 2nd millenium BCE. (Wikipedia says that Indus Valley Civilization flourished during the period 2600 BCE-1900 BCE)
  •  As early as the Bronze age Arayns were living in and around present day Punjab (in Pakistan).
  • Sanskrit believed to be derived in Rig Vedic Scriptures speaks of the various activities and life of the Aryans in the Indus Valley Civilization.

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