It is a web enabled system for redressal of consumers’ grievances relating to pricing and availability of medicines, created by National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA)..

The ‘Pharma Jan Samadhan’ scheme has put in place a speedy and effective complaint redressal system with respect to availability and pricing of medicines. It would serve as a robust e-governance tool for protection of consumers’ interests through effective implementation of the Drugs (Price Control) Order 2013.

Pharma Jan Samadhan’ will provide consumers and others with an on-line facility to redress their complaints relating to over-pricing of medicines, non-availability or shortage of medicines, sale of new medicines without prior price approval of NPPA, and refusal of supply for sale of any medicine without good and sufficient reason. NPPA will initiate action on any complaint within 48 hrs of its receipt.

New initiative shows that  NPPA is not only regulator but more of a facilitator. This phama-literacy initiative would create awareness among the people and would act as a deterrence against black-marketing, spurious medicines, and inflated cost of drugs. Pharma industry stands on three pillars- quality, availability and affordability, and ‘Pharma Jan Samadhan’ is a step in this direction. Pharma is the sun-rise sector of the country and considering the size, it seems to be a fit case to make a separate Ministry to handle issues relating to pharmaceutical industry..

This is a step in empowering the common man. Health is the prime issue for the people and making them aware about availability and pricing of medicine would help in improving the system..

National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA)

NPPA is an organization of the Government of India was established under the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995  to regulate the prices of controlled bulk drugs and formulations and to enforce prices and availability of the medicines in the country.The organization is also entrusted with the task of recovery of amounts overcharged by manufacturers for controlled drugs from the consumers & also monitors the prices of decontrolled drugs.

Functions of National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA)

1. To implement and enforce the provisions of the Drugs (Prices Control) Order in accordance with the powers delegated to it.

2. To  deal with all legal matters arising out of the decisions of the Authority;

3. To monitor the availability of drugs, identify shortages, if any, and to take remedial steps;

4. To collect/ maintain data on production, exports and imports, market share of individual companies, profitability of companies etc, for bulk drugs and formulations;

5. To undertake and/ or sponsor relevant studies in respect of pricing of drugs/ pharmaceuticals;

6. To recruit/ appoint the officers and other staff members of the Authority, as per rules and procedures laid down by the Government;

7. To render advice to the Central Government on changes/ revisions in the drug policy;

8. To render assistance to the Central Government in the parliamentary matters relating to the drug pricing.

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