Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, former President of India launched the Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA) recently in New Delhi. Launching the Abhiyan, he focused on developing the spirit of innovation and experimentation among students. He further laid stress on four qualities of uniqueness: Great Aim, Quest of Knowledge, Hard Work, and Perseverance.
⇒ Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan is a unique concept that aims to inculcate a spirit of inquiry, creativity and love for Science and Mathematics in school children.
⇒ It is an effort to take forward Digital India, ‘Make in India’ and ‘Teach in India’.
⇒ Under Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan, government schools will be mentored by Institutes like IITs/IIMs/IISERs and other Central Universities and reputed organisations through innovative programmes, student exchanges, demonstrations, student visits, etc to develop a natural sense of passion towards learning of Science and Maths.
Major Interventions
⇒ Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan is a unique concept that aims to inculcate a spirit of inquiry, creativity and love for Science and Mathematics in school children.
⇒ It is an effort to take forward Digital India, ‘Make in India’ and ‘Teach in India’.
⇒ Under Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan, government schools will be mentored by Institutes like IITs/IIMs/IISERs and other Central Universities and reputed organisations through innovative programmes, student exchanges, demonstrations, student visits, etc to develop a natural sense of passion towards learning of Science and Maths.
Major Interventions
- Systematic Improvements in the School System
- Teacher Preparation for Science, Mathematics and Technology
- Assessment design for Science and Mathematics for students
- Recruitment of Science and Mathematics Teachers
- Strengthening School Science Laboratories and Mathematics Laboratories
- Provision of teaching-learning equipments and supplementary books/materials to enhance Science and Mathematics transaction in classrooms
- Use of Technology in Science and Mathematics teaching
- Development of resource materials
- Strengthening teacher support institutions and in the use of technology
- Effective classroom transaction: teaching–learning
Major Initiatives
■ Initiatives to encourage Science, Mathematics through alternative strategies
■ School Mentoring for Science & Mathematics teaching by Higher Education Institutions
■ Promotion of Science & Mathematics Teacher Circles
■ Science/Mathematics Clubs for Children
■ Expand outreach of programmes of Ministry of Science and Technology to promote science learning
■ Participation of Students in Inter-school, State/National Maths and Science Competitions/ Olympiads etc
■ Organised visits to Science Museums and Science fairs and Mathematics Melas
■ Parents and community sensitisation
■ School Mentoring for Science & Mathematics teaching by Higher Education Institutions
■ Promotion of Science & Mathematics Teacher Circles
■ Science/Mathematics Clubs for Children
■ Expand outreach of programmes of Ministry of Science and Technology to promote science learning
■ Participation of Students in Inter-school, State/National Maths and Science Competitions/ Olympiads etc
■ Organised visits to Science Museums and Science fairs and Mathematics Melas
■ Parents and community sensitisation
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